Concerns Over Recent Leaked Sex Tapes with Underage Girls of Facebook

The National Committee for Families and Children (NCFC), mandated to advocate for the protection of all children, is deeply concerned about the most recent hideous act of leaked sex tapes with alleged under-aged girls on Facebook. 

According to the news, over the weekend videos of young girls engaged in sexual activities were posted on social media and shared hundreds of times. The leaked tapes have not only caused pandemonium but were most alarming since some of the participants appeared to be minors and somewhat inebriated.  

The release of the sex tapes also violate Articles 19 and 34 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that, “Children should be protected from being hurt and mistreated in body or mind and to be free from all forms of sexual abuse”.  This type of action is a form of cyberbullying that can have adverse psychological effects on the participants, such as depression and suicidal ideation. 

As parents the need to exercise some level of control and scrutiny with regards to what children are doing when using social media or watching television.  As the new year begins, NCFC strongly discourages the negative use of social media to scar and demoralize young people.  NCFC also calls on young people to be mindful of the use of social media, as the negative use can have lifelong consequences.   

NCFC reiterates that sexual abuse of any sort against our children must STOP.

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