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Pic of the Week

Stunning images that capture the beauty of our island and its people. A new picture posted weekly.

sahara dust makes for gloomy skies in belize

Sahara Dust Makes for Gloomy Skies

So, have you heard about this Sahara Dust thing? Apparently, it’s been around forever, but it’s only recently that modern forecasts have clued us in on this natural phenomenon. It’s kind of wild to think about, right? I mean, back in the day, we’d just see cloudy skies and maybe

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Insert Self Here!

Insert Self Here! – Picture yourself here relaxing on the beach while enjoying a delicious Pina Colada, cool Caribbean Breeze blowing through your hair…Now that’s enjoying Life at its best! Life’s always a beach

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Colorful Sawdust Carpets for Good Friday

Colorful, elaborate and creative are just a few words that can be used to describe the beautiful work of art that was displayed outside of the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church on Friday, March

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Come on in, The Water is Fine!

This is quite possibly the best picture at Shark Ray Alley in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, we have ever seen. WOW! It’s the perfect picture that captures the

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Red or Blue Lemonade on Election Day?

SierraSky Ashton today set up her lemonade stand just outside the polling station on San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. She asks you to choose the winning color of the day. Who do you think will

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March Winds Arrived Early

Coconut trees stand strong and brace themselves as Easter winds blow hard during the months of February, March and April. This means cooler days and chilly nights for natives of Belize. Picture yourself in

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Why Worry About Staying Dry in Belize?

“Why worry about staying dry when Belize is full of these guys to hang out with? We were all born wet anyway! #laminarfly” – Kevin Barker. First it was COLD! Now it got SOGGY!

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Cold in Belize

It’s getting warmer in Belize; temperatures now reaching the 70’s – Jeje. Even so, it’s been a cold January for Belizeans who are not used to these sudden drops in temperature. A mad rush

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Traveling Mermaid in San Pedro Belize

There was a traveling mermaid in Belize during the Holidays and she was vacationing around the country taking stunning pictures. Mermaid Hyli caught our attention on Instagram with her beautiful long red hair and

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Brrrrr! Cold Front

This image of Elsie made us laugh, but it’s a true depiction of how pretty much every single Belizean feels during these cold days. Nobody wants to get out of bed during a cold

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Another Day at the Office

“Another day at the office,” comments Chris Summers on his Facebook profile. The island’s American Crocodile Education Sanctuary (ACES) crocodile hunter seems to be very busy lately. His hands are full with these reptiles

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Ramon's Village has the Coolest Pier

Bouncing back from the destruction of Hurricane Earl last year, we think that Ramon’s Village can boast the coolest pier on Ambergris Caye. What do you think? It’s pretty magnificent, right? With over $10

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Sir Barry Bowen Immortalized

The Barry Bowen statute was unveiled on Thursday, October 19, 2017, at the municipal airstrip in Belize City which also carries his name. Eleven months ago, renovation to the airport were completed in November

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Go Turtle Go!!!

“There have been a lot of turtles these days drifting by the shore line, and today will make it turtle number 3, two yesterday and one today,” commented Eric Henkis on his Facebook profile

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