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25 Years Ago

An archive of a series of stories by Angel Nunez about the history of San Pedro, Belize. The writings reflect the life of a small fishing village filled with actual events, customs and culture, social life, successes, and problems all of which made up San Pedro twenty-five years ago.

George Price and San Pedro

By Angel Nuñez The Right Honorable George Price visited San Pedro since the 1950’s and became very much acquainted and loved by all of San Pedro not only as a leader of the PUP

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September Before Independence

By Angel Nuñez The month of September has always been a month awaited with excitement and the spirit of celebration.  Even before Independence of Belize, September was still a celebration month.  It was simple

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The Tenth Day Of September

By Angel Nuñez On September 10, we celebrate the Battle of St. George’s Caye. This is the time of the year when Belize dresses itself with its patriotic colors: blue, white and red. Let

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The Scout Room

By Angel Nuñez Chances are you have heard your parents, who lived in the 1950’s, refer to the San Pedro Scout Room.  What Scout Room, you might ask?  We do not have any Scouts

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The Very First Catholic Church

By Angel Nuñez As a child in the 1950’s I used to see this concrete foundation right beside the bell at Central Park. Upon inquiring and thorough some research, I discovered some interesting facts

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The Very First School In San Pedro

By Angel Nuñez I always heard my father talking about going to school with Teacher Palomo and then with Miss Signa Yorke in the 1930’s.  Then I read in “The Little World of Danny

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Nicknames Of The Past

By Angel Nuñez Do you have a nick name?  Most people have one or even two.  Is there a reason why you got that nickname?  Does it have any significance?  I know even names

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #7

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO IFYou ate hot flour tortillas or Johnny cakes with re-friend beans and fried fish for breakfast and probably the same thing for evening

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #6

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO IF…..when you were growing up you knew of one kind of soap and it was a bar of hard soap called “Sunlight”.  With

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #5

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO IFyou don’t mind rolling up your pants half way up your calves.  The old timers used to wear long pants only and it

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #4

By Angel Nuñez You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you are not afraid of smoke.  You are not afraid of smoke because your parents and probably you too used to cook

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Beginning Of Lobster Season

By Angel Nuñez “Ya se va a abrir la vera de langosta”, the fishermen would say. (The lobster season is about to open)  This was the comment made by fishermen, women and even children

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Crayfish To Stone Dogs

By Angel Nuñez There used to be this  popular saying, “Crayfish to stone dogs.” It is a saying meaning that there is an abundance of something. And there was a time when the spiny

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WOW! Those Salaries

By Angel Nuñez Last week my wife was going through some papers in a drawer and came up with a little book updated by her dad in the 1950’s.  She almost ran into tears

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Sanpedranos Really Know Fish

By Angel Nuñez Sanpedranos, especially the old timers, do not only enjoy eating fish, but it can be argued that they also really know fish.  You cannot lie to him/her about the kind of

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