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Pictures of the past compared to what the island, life, and people look like today.  A time capsule in images.

Rush Hour on Barrier Reef Drive

Rush Hour on Barrier Reef Drive better known as “Front Street” to locals. Sandy, two way street in San Pedro. You could walk up and down the street without worries as there waw barely any vehicles on the once quaint fishing village of San Pedro. Here is a comparison of

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Amigos Del Mar, Friends of the Sea

Amigos Del Mar is very close to being “Twenty Five Years Ago”, like our columnist would say, or perhaps it already is. In this Flashback which was taken  in 1992, 22 years ago, Amigos

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Las Mestizitas in San Pedro Carnaval

There was not one Carnaval year in San Pedro that we did not see The Mestizos dancing on the streets of San Pedro.  Groups like Mestizos, Maya Indians, Cubans and Americans  and other cultures

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Expats Partook In Early Carnabal

Carnabal is perhaps as old as San Pedro or at least over one hundred years ago for sure.  This is a historic flashback moment as it takes us back to one of the first

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Building San Pedro High School

What… what is this? The Teacher’s demonstration going on countrywide for government to adjust their salaries? Wrong. Then could it be Sanpedranos marching in support of their political candidate for upcoming town council elections

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Angels at the Birth of Jesus Christ

“Hark the Herald Angels sing, Glory to the newborn king, Peace on Earth….”  Throughout the history of our little village of San Pedro, the re-enactment of the birth of Jesus has always been a

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Confirmation in San Pedro

Confirmation and First Holy Communion are currently going on in San Pedro Town.  They are the second and third sacraments administered by the Catholic Faith and received by children at about the age of

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Lions Club a Whole Lot of Fun!

Lions is about service to those less fortunate. It is about fund raising, yes.  And Lions is about attending business meetings as well as meetings to render physical service to the community.  However Lions

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Looking Back at Township Day in San Pedro

In this Flashback picture on San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, we look back 29 years ago on what was San Pedro’s first Township celebrations. Pictured here is the Salazar residence on Front Street (Barrier Reef

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