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Community Bulletin

Welcome to our community Bulletin!  Here, you’ll find a hub of valuable information, announcements, and happenings within our close-knit neighborhood. Stay connected, get involved, and stay informed about local events, volunteer opportunities, and updates from our community members. Your one-stop source for all things community-related.

Farewell to Don Felix Ayuso

The untimely passing of Mr. Felix  Ayuso Sr. on Thursday, January 12, brought sincere sadness on family members, friends and an entire community. Mr. Ayuso is a grassroots son of the soil of San

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A Farewell to Corry McDermott

It is with saddened hearts that the community of San Pedro learned of the passing of Corry McDermott. Corry came to San Pedro many years ago to join his brother Gerry McDermott, owner of

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Adopt A Bear, Give A Smile For Christmas

Adopt-A-Bear Christmas program is back and invites the community to help in making a childs wish come true, There are plenty of bears still yet to be adopted. This year’s adoption centers are Sandbar,

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Invitation to Married Couples Retreat

The San Pedro Roman Catholic church invites both married and engaged couples to attend a married couples retreat. If interested you can registration at the San Pedro Parish or call 226-2479 or email at

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Rotary Club to Present Magic Show

The Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye announces the Intermagia Magic Show — an evening of mystical magical entertainment from a traveling, international magic group with eight members from Spain, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico and Costa

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Because Every Animal Deserve a Second Chance

Clear the Shelter September – Imagine what our world would be like if there were no homeless animalsIt happens about this time every year, the shelter and clinic at Saga Humane Society on Ambergris

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Ambergris Caye to Benefit from Free Seminars

Arcadia University from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA will be hosting a series of free seminars from Saturday, August 6 to Friday, August 19. The seminars are divided into morning and evening sessions, and will be

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