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Teen Talk

Articles written by San Pedro High School students covering topics that concern education, teen life, and social issues.

The Fear of Rejection and Overcoming It

Having a fear of rejection is a very common thing. Nobody likes being rejected so we tend to try and do fewer things that you think would get us rejected. This is a problem because it stops us from doing certain things we want to do. People can get rejected

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Maya 2012 End of the World…Nope!

So you probably already heard the rumors on the “End of the World” that is suppose to take place on the 21st of December! A lot of people think it’s not real but then

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How to Deal with Stress

Stress! Everybody, everyday… we all have stress. But not everybody knows how to deal with stress, so here are some ways to deal with stress. 1. Listen to musicThis is the one that is

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What does the Future Hold?

Everyone always thinks about the future at some point of their life. It’s either whether what to do tomorrow or even what you want to be in the future. For me, I want to

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How to Deal with Bullies

Bullies are pretty much everywhere.  Millions of people around the world are suffering from these bullies almost every minute of the day.  Bullying has led to some teens committing suicide because they cannot take

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Ryan Ancona is Newest Teen Talk Reporter

Ambergris Today is very happy to welcome its newest and freshest, yet, Teen Talk Reporter. Ryan Ancona is the first male teen reporter and the first 1st Form students from San Pedro High School

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One Last Goodbye!

Teen Talk Reporter Emilie Gomez submits her last article as she bids farewell to San Pedro High School, leave the country on an international tour with the Belize Dance Company and then furthers her

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Saying Goodbye after Graduation

Graduation is the action of receiving or conferring an academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated, where students become Graduates. For most Senior’s the time has come to say “good bye to

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Drive Down Memory Lane

With Graduation so near I can’t help but reminiscence on my childhood and all the fun times I’ve had. My high school days are almost complete/over. I speak of childhood as if it was

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Teens' Most Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassment is an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself, experienced upon having a socially unacceptable act or condition witnessed by or revealed to others. Embarrassment usually carries the connotation of being caused by

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Learning How to Lose Makes You a Winner

Success is something we all strive for. It is more than right to have that motivation in life, but when the satisfaction of winning is the new priority, then that’s when conflict arises. As

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Making Friendships Wisely

Having a bond with one’s parents is one of the greatest ways teens and parents can communicate but when teenagers are hard-pressed, they need to know when they should phase out a friendship. As

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Teen Talk – Easter Break in Belize

The Easter weekend is a “real” Belizean holiday for any number of reasons, not the least of which is the spectacular weather, tips to interesting places for the holidays, and the myriad colors of

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