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Secrets to Life

Self Help archives writings by Chris Emmanuel and Seleni Perez.

Follow Instructions

– By Seleni Perez – This is an advice of love to the youth who feels discouraged and misunderstood. Life is harsh, and at times can be unfair, but do not allow the negativity that surrounds you get to you and consume you. Not everyone who talks to you is

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Freedom Fly

Real freedom starts with knowing your ability to change continually -Emmanuel I am watching a dragon fly. He’s trapped in my studio because he can’t see the way out. He continuously slams into by

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Lime Juice

When challenging situations occur in your life, instead of reacting negatively, start to imagine the possibilities – Emmanuel Lime Juice One of the most famous drinks in San Pedro is lime juice. Everyone enjoys this refreshing

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The Value of Doing Nothing

 By Christopher EmmanuelYou will find me near the shoreWith a book in my hand Nothing to doRead I might but I will stare out at seaNothing to doA bird might fly byMaybe a butterfly

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Living Your Unique You

By Christopher EmmanuelWe create our world with the ingredients we put into it, so take care with your recipe– Greg Phillips The source made everything in the universe unique onto itself. A flower never declares

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Talk Things Out

By Christopher Emmanuel Like a tree that sheds its bark from time to time, so we unfold to reach our destiny Without a doubt when asking any successful couple about their relationship, communication is the

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Be An Effective Listener

By Christopher Emmanuel The better you are at listening, the more people will want to tell you.There is knowledge all around us in every one and every thing we do in this life. Each

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Discover The Wisdom Within

By Christopher Emmanuel Free your mind and the world will follow There is an uncharted part of you waiting to be discovered. Most often we think of discoveries as an outer occurrence. Man on

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My Fathers' Pants

By Christopher Emmanuel Surely the good man is the bad man’s teacher; and the bad man is the good man’s business- Tao Ti Ching   “I am wearing my fathers Pants.” I said. Standing

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Go With The Flow

By Christopher Emmanuel The seasons come and go naturally. Seeds fall off trees and become trees themselves. An old man passes away and a child is born. The tide comes in and goes out

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Tame Your Appetite

By Christopher Emmanuel How many times a day do you feel like you need to eat? Are you constantly craving food all day long? If you are feeling hungry every moment you might be

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Know Thyself

By Christopher EmmanuelThe most important thing is to be whatever you are without shame– Rod Seiger San Pedro has become my home and to me, it is like paradise. But I know that the

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Focus, One Thing At A Time

By Christopher Emmanuel Energy flows where attention goes Just the other day I almost had an accident with another biker. She was plugged into her ipod while on her bike. Riding behind me she

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Polish Up Your Dreams

By Christopher Emmanuel Are your dreams like old clothes in a closet; they just don’t fit anymore? Anything worth having starts out as a dream, an idea, goal or ambition. Every great accomplishment first

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Manage Your Emotional Waves

By Christopher Emmanuel Emotions are much like waves. You can’t stop them from coming, but you can choose which one to surf In this part of the world we think of power as being

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Think To Feel Good

By Christopher Emmanuel How thoughts affect your mood Do thoughts drive emotions, or emotions drive thoughts? If you don’t have the answer to this question, contemplate this notion: according to Darwinian theory of evolution,

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