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Secrets to Life

Self Help archives writings by Chris Emmanuel and Seleni Perez.

Follow Instructions

– By Seleni Perez – This is an advice of love to the youth who feels discouraged and misunderstood. Life is harsh, and at times can be unfair, but do not allow the negativity that surrounds you get to you and consume you. Not everyone who talks to you is

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Anger In Paradise

By Christopher Emmanuel  “When anger rises think about the consequences” A friend of mine moved back to the United States from San Pedro Pissed off!! He said to me before he left, “if I

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 “Jealousy is a supreme self-centered act.”There she is, walking to her new golf cart. She is always smiling and all the boys look her way, she’s popular everywhere she goes. You just can’t stand

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What makes you tick

By Christopher Emmanuel It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what moves your heart I overheard a friend talking to another acquaintance regarding getting help moving some furniture. The conversation went like

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Unlimited Prosperity

“Real wealth is measured not by what you have, not by where you are, but by the spirit that lives within you.” I watched birds bathing in a pool once. The mother bird jumped

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Eyes of the Heart

By Christopher Emmanuel “When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”– Eckhart Tolle Do you know what you

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Finding the Time

By Christopher Emmanuel “Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count” It was time to go to work again. Rushing to shave he caught a glimpse of his

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It’s all about light

“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.  ~Aaron Rose” You will see them along the beach in the morning. They are near the shore waiting and watching to take a

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Good to Go; Good to Come Back

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”– Deepak Chopra We all need to get off sometimes; I mean off the island. If you live in San Pedro you will

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Harmony with Nature

 “Nature is the art of God.”  Wings fluttering inside the Sunbreeze hotel lobby caught my attention. Looking out my studio, I saw a bird dive into a closed lobby window. As I stepped into

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A kid’s kindness

“The children can teach us if we listen” Last year(2010), Collete Kase presented the essays on Kindness she collected from the schools around San Pedro one of the stories that didn’t win really struck

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Wounded Past

 “Forgiveness frees you from your own Prison.”   A seed of love inside of you This flower waiting to be born When heart strikes joy beyond despair Such ease of life seem to appear

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Unique Expressions of Beauty

 “You are the offspring of the radiant beloved.”   There was a man who lived a miserable life in which he complained about the lot he was given in life who died and went

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What Goes Around

 “You get what you give out.”   They may laugh at the good you do. Let them laugh. They may see the good you do as self serving. Continue to do good. They may

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Your True Identity

“Identity is the thief of your real self.” Recently I lost my wallet. At first I was quite distressed and got caught up in the horrible possibilities of my imagination. Doing the right thing,

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Love is sunshine for the soul; the sun shines on all, even on dark days it’s still behind the clouds. Two stray cats come to my door daily, I feed them both. One is

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