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Secrets to Life

Self Help archives writings by Chris Emmanuel and Seleni Perez.

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– By Seleni Perez – This is an advice of love to the youth who feels discouraged and misunderstood. Life is harsh, and at times can be unfair, but do not allow the negativity that surrounds you get to you and consume you. Not everyone who talks to you is

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Nurture your inner child

By Christopher Emmanuel Every now and then, I see a couple riding together on a bike along the beach. The man is peddling and the lady is sitting on the cross bar. This always

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Fire up your love life

By Christopher Emmanuel Maintaining a healthy and happy relationship is not always an easy task. Great relationships take work. Even the most compatible of lovebirds will encounter cold spells and roadblocks on their journey

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Desire less and be happy more

By Chris Emmanuel “Things don’t make happiness, your attitude every moment of your life does.” Even though its slow season, it seems that San Pedro is speeding up. There is news online is daily

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Don’t become a fish out of water

By Chris Emmanuel Looking out to sea, one sunny afternoon, I spied two boys fishing. One stood ready to cast the net, whilst the other pointed to where the fish swam. With effort, after

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Tame Your Ego

By Christopher Emmanuel People who think they know everything annoy the rest of us who do. Today when we hear the word, “Macho” we generally think it’s related to how a man behaves, but

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Laughter is Good Medicine

By Christopher Emmanuel “Laughter is a cheap high with no side effects” A young couple invited their pastor for Sunday dinner. While they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their

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Honesty is still the best policy

By Christopher Emmanuel “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn. 8:32).“Psychologists have long known that some deception is a normal, healthy part of human behavior, often starting

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Do What You Love

You become what you do. Do what you love and you will become love-Emmanuel This goes without saying for many people, but can you make a living doing what you love? Consider that most

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Money Happy

By Christopher Emmanuel “Money isn’t a real purpose, it’s the result of a purpose aligned with good intentions”-Emmanuel                                                                      “Thank you,” readers, whoever you are out there, for continuing to share this journey of wisdom.

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By Christopher Emmanuel “Simplicity needs complication to be qualified”                                                                      There was a bird’s nest in a tree next to my balcony. For a while I woke every morning to the sounds of the baby

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By Christopher Emmanuel “Stray affection will grow on you”                                                                      I didn’t always like animals. We had chickens, pigs, and cows on my grandfathers’ land. I grew up in a poor family so it was

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What’s your Story?

By Christopher Emmanuel “Stories are much more fun than the truth”                                                                      One of the nicest things when you live in Belize is that you get to meet people from all over the world. Listening

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A teaching problem

By Christopher Emmanuel “Where there is a problem, there is not something to do, there is something to know” – Dr Raymond Charles Baker  A steel grey blues haze covered the skies, obscuring the

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Who Are You?

By Christopher Emmanuel “Everything that defines you confines you” – Emmanuel  We are living in a digital world, constantly compiling information. Today with mobile phones, iPods computer, TV, kindle, MP players, game players and

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By Christopher Emmanuel Every creature is a color from Gods paint box – Emmanuel  We all have an ego self that wants to put the world where we feel comfortable. We are always thinking

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The Risk of Evolution

By Christopher Emmanuel Talking to some friends on the island about opening their hearts to date again, it struck me how many people choose to shut down their hearts to finding love. Once hurt

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