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Teen Talk

Articles written by San Pedro High School students covering topics that concern education, teen life, and social issues.

The Fear of Rejection and Overcoming It

Having a fear of rejection is a very common thing. Nobody likes being rejected so we tend to try and do fewer things that you think would get us rejected. This is a problem because it stops us from doing certain things we want to do. People can get rejected

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Defining Gender Roles in Society

– by Ryan Ancona – In this week’s Teen Talk I would like to talk about gender roles. First of all what are gender roles? To sum it up gender roles are expected behaviours

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There is Nothing Wrong in Being Different

There is Nothing Wrong in Being Different In today’s society we are all expected to have a similar personalities, clothing, likes, dislikes, opinions, etc. Some examples of these would be like seeing lots of

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Teens Can Overcome Peer Pressure

Was there ever a time when one of your friends wanted you to do something but you felt it just wasn’t right and you still did it anyway? Well that is a little thing

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Keeping your New Year’s Resolution

It is that time again – to break into a New Year and everyone is ready for a change in themselves and doing so with New Year’s resolutions. But most of these resolutions, or

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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

* by Ryan Anonca, Teen Talk Reporter * In this week’s Teen Talk article, I would like to talk about coming out of your comfort zone and facing your fears. It is a very

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Working on your Self Esteem

In this week’s Teen Talk I want to talk about self-esteem as low self-esteem is very common in teens. There are some people who view themselves as ugly, fat, etc. It is true that

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Why Judging People is Wrong

– by Ryan Ancona, Teen Talk Reporter – In this week’s article we will be talking about why judging other people is wrong. I believe everyone is guilty of this at some point of

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Spending Quality Time with Family

– by Ryan Ancona, Teen Talk Reporter – Mother’s Day celebrations just recently took place and it got me thinking, “What about the rest of your family?” It is well known that most teens

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Finding Your Talent is a Good Thing

* by Ryan Anonca, Teen Talk Reporter * Everyone has that little something he can do- that very special talent, but a lot of people don’t actually know what their talents are.  It could

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Back to School

By Ryan AnconaIt’s back to school and most likely a lot of people feel restless and tired because of staying up late and hanging with friends and family during the Easter vacation. So here

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Music for Your Changing Moods

By Ryan Ancona Music is the number one thing that every teen uses to come off planet earth for a couple of minutes and be transported into the magical world of imagination and emotions.

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Choose Your Social Groups Wisely

Everyone has that little group that you ‘hang out’ with either in school or just out in public. But are you in a good one or maybe you want a new group of friends? 

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Teasing Hurts

Teasing it is pretty much everywhere. It is found at your school, on the streets, and even on the internet. Everyone has gotten teased at one point in his life. Therefore, let’s figure out

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The Best of 2012 – Happy New Year

It’s a New Year, which means there are many new adventures ahead for everyone. We don’t know what we may have to do this year or what we will encounter, but all we know

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