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Secrets to Life

Self Help archives writings by Chris Emmanuel and Seleni Perez.

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– By Seleni Perez – This is an advice of love to the youth who feels discouraged and misunderstood. Life is harsh, and at times can be unfair, but do not allow the negativity that surrounds you get to you and consume you. Not everyone who talks to you is

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Be kind to Animals

Kindness to animals and to all living things is one good way of expressing true religion.  -Joseph F. Smith Many times we are all so wrapped up inside our heads that we don’t notice

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Be Kind to La Isla Bonita

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.  ~Native American Proverb   Most morning as I walk down the beach I see an elderly man walking along

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Good Fortune, Bad Fortune

Maybe So, Maybe Not. – Ancient Taoist ProverbOne day, a farmer’s horse ran away. His neighbors expressed sympathy, “What terrible luck that you lost your horse!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.” A

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A Screwy Problem

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.  ~Roy Disney One of my ceiling fans stopped working. A quick trip to the hardware store placed a fan in box

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Think Now!

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” Last week as we watched the sea boil up and the storm surge crash against the shore; we wondered how much rain is really going

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Finding Faith In Hard Times

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Because of the present economic uncertainties, a lot of people are unsure about their future and feel insecure about themselves.

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Suspicion & Mistrust

“When mistrust comes in, loves goes out.” Villagers gone mad? Reading this story in last week’s newspaper left a sickening feeling in my stomach. A community psychic who said the children Onelia and Benjamin

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Feast and Famine

“Contented are those whose joy is not dependent upon the changing nature of the material reality.” Banana trees don’t care about money, they live by the seasons. Rain and sunshine, their power is patience.

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The Power Within

“People turn to God when their foundations are shaking, only to discover that it is God that is shaking them.” Sitting near the shoreline a flock of pigeons landed close by me. As they

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Stress Management Techniques

“Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.” ~Richard Carlson “I don’t care!!” She yells out at the girl behind the counter. It’s always uncomfortable when you walk into a

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Father Daughter, Son To Father

“It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” ~Johann Schiller He has got the TV on too loud. He’s looking at it, but I know by his

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The Power of Apology

“An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.” – Lynn Johnston Most of the time we feel we can control life. This is the illusion we all enjoy called

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Flowers Don't Talk

“Silence is the source of great strength” – Lao Tzu There are beautiful flowers in Belize. Each one a unique variety, it’s hard to remember them all. Orchids are especially astounding some almost extraterrestrial

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Train of Thoughts

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes

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Waking Up

There are no conclusions, just constant continuation Last week I wrote about remembering what has value. Thinking about it all we all fall asleep to our personal truth at times. This column is called

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Alex: A Little Reminder

“It’s never about what happens to you, but what you become through it.” – Emmanuel  As we sat watching the whirling vortex called “Alex” on CNN approach Belize’s shoreline, I thought to myself how

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