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Teen Talk

Articles written by San Pedro High School students covering topics that concern education, teen life, and social issues.

The Fear of Rejection and Overcoming It

Having a fear of rejection is a very common thing. Nobody likes being rejected so we tend to try and do fewer things that you think would get us rejected. This is a problem because it stops us from doing certain things we want to do. People can get rejected

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The Price of Popularity

What is popularity? Popularity is dated back in the early 1490’s derived from the Latin word ‘popularis’ meaning well liked or common. It is a quality in which a large number of people are

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What Teenagers Want from Politicians

Everyone talks about making the community better; we hear chatter all over town about fixing the streets, about helping out areas such as San Mateo, San Pedrito, DFC and so much more. Everyone talks

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Let’s Talk About Love!

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of

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Is Carnival A Messy Situation?

Carnival has come and gone! Carnival is the time when streets get filled with unrecognizable faces covered with vibrant colours of paint. But more than that is the grand celebration of the comparsas around

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Can Teens Have Fun Without Alcohol?

Alcohol is a chemical consisting of many ingredients which can harm the body eventually. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits. They are legally consumed in most countries, and

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My Special Valentine

Saint Valentine’s Day, or just plain Valentine’s Day for most of us. It is a holiday observed on February 14 honoring one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. It is traditionally a

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Teenagers Suffer Stress Too!

Many people believe that stress is for adults or people with a lot of problems. Most people believe that young people, especially teenagers do not suffer stress. However, let me define stress. Stress is

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Education is the Key!

How many times have we heard this phrase being thrown at us over and over again? Plenty, but despite it we can’t deny agreeing with it! Being educated is quite different than having an

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A Friend’s Betrayal

Teen Talk Reporter- Solani Graniel Friends are there when we need them, but sometimes they can betray us. It’s amazing when two strangers become the best of friends but it’s sad when the best

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Emilie Gomez Joins Teen Talk

Ambergris Today is happy to announce the addition of Emilie Gomez as part of the Teen Talk team. She will be contributing articles and assisting Solani Graniel with the Teen Talk Column. We welcome

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New for New Year 2012

The year is over; time flew by so fast! This is the time to reflect back and think of everything we have achieved this year whether good or bad! This is the time to

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Teenagers and Facebook

Who does not know what Facebook is these days, really? If you do not have a Facebook account you have friends who keep you updated with what is going. But these days it’s hard

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Town Teens’ Views on Town Clock

We have heard complaints, we have seen a protest and strikes on the television, comments and remarks on the newspaper – adults against the big clock to be put on the middle of the

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Who are Your True Friends?

– by Teen Talk Reporter Solani Graniel – “I am surrounded by friends, but have no friends.” This is how many young people find themselves today. They experience being among a lot of friends

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Mr. George Price We Shall All Miss You

– by Solani Graniel, Teen Talk Reporter – George Cadle Price, better known as the “Father of Our Nation” was born on January 15, 1919 . He was born in Belize City to William

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